Our team

Ujjwal Luintel

My name is Ujjwal Luintel and I am a German citizen, but I was born in the "Himalayan" country of Nepal. When I came to Germany in 2012, I had no experience in the care and healthcare sector. After an orientation phase, I quickly became enthusiastic about nursing and completed an apprenticeship as a nurse. I work with commitment and passion in my job. In order to give other trainees this opportunity, I trained to become a practical instructor. This allows me to pass on my specialist knowledge from the many medical fields in which I work and my passion to the trainees.
Why am I doing this job?
In nursing, the focus is on the person. We support the healing of illnesses, provide assistance with medical measures and accompany people. But this is not all! Nursing is also about being there for people, accompanying them on their path of suffering and supporting them on their way. We try to offer him the greatest comfort and monitor the recovery process. We try to empathize with the patient's condition and support them in their basic processes, but with "CARE".
For me, the key to a successful life in Germany was integration. The German language is of course mandatory, because it gives you the necessary willpower and helps you to start your career. I see myself as an example of a well-integrated citizen. Getting into nursing gave me the opportunity for my current career and helped me to build a good life with my family in Germany and to get involved in social projects.
We founded our company "LK - Agency for livable care GmbH" to support caregivers on their way to their goal and want to support and improve the care sector with the help of highly qualified caregivers from all over the world. With our help, we can improve the future of care on their journey. So let's go on this journey together.

Marvin Klingebiel

Good day
I am a division manager in the nursing service in a well-known hospital group in Bonn. I've been studying nursing management (BA) at the Hamburger Fernhochschule since 2020. I had my first experiences in healthcare in 2012 in a clinic in Koblenz. In October 2013 I started my training as a nurse and finished it in 2016. I quickly realized that this job is something special. You should not only practice it but also bring a certain passion with you. Because when dealing with the patient, it is not just about pure care, but also about empathy and care. During my professional career I have worked in several hospitals and in many different departments. They all had one thing in common: lack of staff. Even during my training, I realized that this lack of staff and the current conditions in the German health system are not acceptable for the patients. That's why I decided early on to orientate myself professionally in the direction of management. However, in order to be able to improve care here, we need more staff in our health sector.
That is why it is my greatest concern to improve conditions in Germany and to support our hospitals with highly qualified staff from abroad.
In order to implement this approach, we founded the LK agency for livable care GmbH.

Highly qualified nursing staff from abroad often experience a high degree of recognition in their home country, but the money is not sufficient to provide for a family.
In this way, I would like to relieve the health system in Germany and also support families from abroad. I see this as my contribution to society.
This is how we do our part to support society.

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